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In English, verbs can have a specific meaning depending on the prepositions they are combined with. Here is a list of the most common prepositional verbs. (Nella lingua inglese i verbi possono assumere un significato specifico a seconda delle preposizioni con le quali vengono abbinati. Di seguito una lista di verbi con preposizione più comuni in inglese).

listen to something / somebody 

talk to with somebody 

talk about something / somebody 

ask about something

read about something / somebody

write about something / somebody

worry about something / somebody

look at something / somebody

agree with somebody

waiting for somebody

Thank you for waiting for me.

call somebody

Explain to something to somebody

hear about something / somebody

speak to with somebody

write to somebody

ask somebody

thank somebody

belong to somebody

believe in something

escape from some place

specialise in something

protect from something

prepare for something

die of some  problem

participate in some event

reply to some question

glance at somebody

apply for something

forgive somebody for


Don´t use a preposition before this, last, next, every

Scritto da www.brunogalazzi.com il 24/12/2022


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