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The preposition “by” is used for:

. credits: The book was written by.... The film was directed by…..

. transport: by bus, train, plane, boat, etc.

. with time: Please finish your homework by Monday. (entro)

. to describe how someone travels or communicates, or how things are processed, we use by + noun (per descrivere come una persona viaggia o comunica, o come vengono elaborate le cose, usiamo con + sostantivo): send it by email, pay by credit card

. When we use the passive voice, we can use a phrase with "by" to say who did the action (Quando usiamo la voce passiva, possiamo usare una frase con "by" per dire chi ha eseguito l'azione): The new street was opened by the Mayor.

. When we say "by" + reflexive pronouns: I painted my house by mymselves (Ho dipinto casa da solo)

. beside or at the side of (accanto o a lato di): There’s a lovely café by the river. (C’è un caffè delizioso vicino al fiume)

. measurements and amounts: The price of fuel has increased by 12% this year.

Scritto da www.brunogalazzi.com il 18/12/2022


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